Learning About God - Using the Bible - Living For Jesus
TeamKID is a fun, high-energy ministry that encourages kids to know Jesus Christ and to grow in a relationship with Him. That's why TeamKID ends with KID, KID stands for Kids in Discipleship! All parts of TeamKID - Bible stories, Bible verses, life application, missions and recreation - connect to teach life lessons to kids. TeamKID helps children through a study of God's Word. Using fun activities and Bible material, children can apply the Bible verses they learn to know how God wants them to live. A missions experience every week will open their eyes to the need of people around the world to hear about Jesus. We have classes from 3 years old all the way through 5th grade! Van rides are available and food will be provided. Make sure to register your child using the form at the bottom of this page.

Weekly Children's Schedule
Sunday 9:30am
We have Bible Study (also known as Sunday School) for all ages from nursery to 5th grade.
Sunday March 2nd - May 4th 5:00 - 7:00 PM
TeamKID. Van rides are available if needed. We also provide a meal for everyone.
Wednesday 6:00PM
Join us for children's choir and other activities.