It is completely secure and so simple to do. Just fill out the form on this page and there you go. You have the option to give a one time gift or set up to give regularly. There is a fee but don't worry we can cover that but if you want you do have the option of paying it if you feel led.
Giving online is easy and convenient but in person is great too. The best part of giving in person is that we get to see you and say hello. We won't pass a plate instead we have two baskets on the table in front of the pulpit. There is also a box sitting on the sound booth by the doors so just drop your gift in either place.
Of course we will receive your gift online, in person or in the mail (who are we kidding, if it arrived by carried pigeon we would accept it). If you send a gift by mail we suggest dropping us an email so we will keep and eye out for it. You can send it to the address listed on the bottom of this page or to PO Box 59, Marlinton, WV. 24954.